Frequently Asked Questions
What is Homeopathy? +
Homoeopathy is therapeutic system of medicine which is based on the law of similar (i.e. similia similibus curentur). That means like cures likes. In homeopathy medicine is selected on the basis of symptom similarity i.e. symptoms of patient are matched with symptoms of medicine (appeared during proving on healthy human beings). The medicine which matches with symptoms of the patient is selected for the treatment of the patient. -
How homeopathic medicines work? +
Homeopathy aims to aid and stimulate the body's own defense and immune processes. So it assists natural tendency of the body to heal by itself. Recent studies have stated that homeopathic medicines work on the principle of nanotechnology. Homeopathic medicines work via the faculty of sentient nerves on your tongue. -
Why homeopathic doctor prescribes same pills (globules) to all the patients? +
These small sugar pills (globules) are just vehicle. There are more than 2500 medicines in homeopathy. Your homeopath selects perfect remedy for your case and prescribed it on these pills. -
How to take homeopathic medicines? +
As homeopathic medicines are highly diluted, they are very sensitive and easily get destroyed. So please don’t touch these medicines with your hands. Take these medicines in to the cap of the bottle and consume. Homeopathic medicines act via the faculty of sentient nerves present on your tongue. So don’t swallow the medicines or bite them, ideally you should suck them. -
What homeopathic medicines are prepared from? +
Homeopathic medicines are prepared from various natural resources ranging from plants to various animal products and minerals, but they are prescribed in highly diluted form (after potentization), so are 100% safe. -
What is potentization? +
Potentization is the method of preparation of serial dilution of medicines, where quantity of medicine decreases, but quality increases. In Homeopathy, there are different scales for potentization like centicisimal (where medicines are diluted with ratio of 1:100 in each successive potency), decimal (where medicines are diluted with the ratio of 1:10 in each successive potency) and 50 milisimal scale (where medicines are diluted with ratio of 1:50,000 in each successive potency). -
Why so many questions are asked in homeopathic consultation? +
Homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of symptom similarity. Symptoms of patient are matched with that of the patient. Homeopathic medicines are deep acting medicines and in order to select your remedy, homeopath requires having in depth understanding of your personality traits and details of all symptoms. -
What is Classical Homeopathy? +
Homeopathy is the only science on the earth with some fixed principles and theories which have never changed since discovery of homeopathy. One of the main principles is that homeopath need to select the remedy strictly on the basis symptoms of the patient, a medicine that will stimulate your organism to heal by itself. But this is very laborious job and requires a lot of efforts and dedication on the part of the homeopath. Also in homeopathy there are certain guidelines about how the case should progress in long run, which is called as DOC (Direction Of Cure). But some homeopath prescribes medicines haphazardly on the basis of pathology and fails to cure the case because the medicine is not selected on the basis of the laws of homeopathy (except some cases where luckily the medicine given is similimum of the case). In simple words, the homeopathic prescribing strictly following laws of homeopathy is called classical homeopathy, which has highest success rates. -
What is expected to happen after starting homeopathic treatment? +
Ideally, after starting homeopathic treatment you are supposed to have a feeling of well being with better energy levels, though in some cases complaints may seem to increase a bit for short period of time (homeopathic aggravation). -
What is expected to happen in follow up after homeopathic treatment? +
In general patient should start feeling better. His energy levels should increase; mentally he should start feeling relaxed than before with better appetite and sleep. -
What is meant by Holistic treatment? +
Homeopathy treats the person in the disease not the disease in the person. For example, a patient is suffering from gangrene, in all the other therapies the treatment will be directed solely towards the gangrene without considering other aspects of the organism. In homeopathy the organism is considered as a whole. His mental state along with other physical problems is also considered during remedial selection. As in homeopathic treatment the organism is considered as a whole, it is called Holistic treatment. This can be explained with several examples. Many people fall ill due to stress of examination or after death of a close relative or friend. We find many people who were perfectly healthy till financial loss and after it their health started deteriorating. Aren’t these mental emotional shocks equally important for you diseases? So in order to cure effectively, you need to consider the organism as a whole. -
What is individualization? +
Individualization is a process in homeopathy where an individual separated from other people (depending on his symptoms) suffering from same pathology. Suppose three people in a family are suffering from malaria with common symptoms of malaria viz fever with chills followed by perspiration followed by coldness of body. So these symptoms help to diagnose the disease. But in homeopathy we say that every individual is different from other and selection of the remedy should be based on his own unique symptoms. Out of these three people suffering from malaria in the same family, one is thirsty, other is thistles. First one is irritable and third one experience a lot of fears. One wants to be alone and other needs company! So people suffering same pathology have different symptoms and remedy is selected on the basis of these uncommon symptoms. This is called as “individualization”. -
What is Constitutional treatment? +
Every organism is born with certain hereditary predispositions. These predispositions, more or less influenced by the environment, decide how the organism is going to react to various stresses in life. Prescribing the organism considering all these aspects like mental, emotional, social, physical etc is called as constitutional treatment. -
Can I consume allopathic medicines along with homeopathic medicines? +
If you are already on allopathic medicines that cause dependency, (like steroids and strong pain killers etc) sudden withdrawal may cause alarming symptoms threatening life. So in such cases, it is suggested to consume allopathic medicines along with homeopathic medicines and in long run, slowly these medicines can be withdrawn. -
Can every surgery be avoided with homeopathy? +
With homeopathic treatment we can avoid most of surgeries, except pure surgical cases and cases where urgent surgical intervention is needed (like perforated appendicitis, perforated peptic ulcers, accidents, dislocation of joint, compound fractures of bones etc). -
Do Homeopathic medicines cause side effects? +
Homeopathic medicines are highly diluted and don’t have any side effects. Homeopathic medicines are 100% safe, even in pregnant women and children. -
Why Homeopathic medicines are slow in action? +
Homeopathic medicines are fastest acting medicines in the world. Unfortunately people prefer homeopathy when disease becomes chronic, and naturally such kind of diseases take more time to be cured. In acute diseases, Homeopathic medicines may lead to very quick recovery, faster than contemporary medical treatments. -
Is homeopathy useful only in chronic cases? +
Homeopathy is fast acting in acute cases and can be effectively used in treating infections, fever, cold etc. Unfortunately, people tend to go to a homeopath only when the acute problem becomes chronic. Naturally, these chronic cases take longer time to be cured -
Does Homeopathy works on placebo effect/faith cures? +
As Homeopathic medicines are highly diluted (beyond Avogadro’s number) to the extent that hardly any measurable part of the substance is present in homeopathic dilutions (medicines), minds of people with materialistic approach always used to feel that these medicines cannot work. But recent studies have demonstrated that homeopathic medicines work on the principle of Nanotechnology. In fact, due to such infinitesimal dilution, there are no side effects of homeopathic medicines. -
Can Homeopathic medicines cause severe aggravation threatening life? +
Homeopathic medicines are very mild and most safe medicines. They can never endanger your life. Definitely in certain cases there will be initial aggravation of your complaints which depends on many factors like depth of pathology, sensitivity and susceptibility of organism, nature of pathology etc. but this aggravation will be tolerable and never endanger your life. -
Do homeopathic doctors use steroids? +
It is not possible for a homeopath to prescribe steroids because generally steroids are bitter in taste and homeopathic medicines are sweet in taste. With recent advances, one can easily go for chemical testing of given medicines to check whether those contain steroids. I’ve talked with many patients who had done chemical testing, suspecting that the medicine contained steroid due to dramatic improvement they experienced, and found out that there were no steroids. -
Can any disease cured with homeopathy? +
Like any other medical science, homeopathy also has its advantages and limitations. Homeopathy can’t cure advanced pathologies, congenital anomalies, dislocations, incurable diseases etc. It is necessary to know prognosis of your disease with homeopathic treatment at expert and honest homeopath. -
What are antidotes of homeopathic medicines? +
Coffee, Camphor, strong odors are supposed to antidote homeopathic medicines. -
What is the difference between approach of Allopathy and Homeopathy? +
Allopathy aims to treat specific parts/ systems, where as homeopathy considers person as a whole. Allopathy gives little or no importance to mental symptoms while treating a physical pathology, or treats the mental symptoms are treated as a different disease altogether, whereas homeopathy believes on holistic approach. This can be explained with example illustrated above - Suppose three people in a family are suffering from malaria with common symptoms of malaria viz fever with chills followed by perspiration followed by coldness of body. So these symptoms help to diagnose the disease (for allopath). But in homeopathy we say that every individual is different from other and selection of the remedy should be based on his own unique symptoms. Out of these three people suffering from malaria in the same family, one is thirsty, other is thistles. First one is irritable and third one experience a lot of fears. One wants to be alone and other needs company! So people suffering same pathology have different symptoms and remedy is selected on the basis of these uncommon symptoms. This is called as “individualization”. Homeopathy aids to stimulate body’s own defense mechanisms, whereas in allopath, many strong chemical agents are given in order to kill microorganisms. -
What is the difference between Ayurveda and homeopathy? +
In homeopathy, medicines are given in highly diluted form, where as in Ayurveda medicines are given in crude form. Homeopathic medicines work on energy level, whereas Ayurvedic medicines work on organic level. In homeopathy, a medicine which produces similar symptoms is prescribed, whereas in Ayurveda, mostly a medicine producing exactly opposite symptom is prescribed in crude form.
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